Financial Assistance

Important Dates
Deadline for Submission by Age Level
18U - July 25th
14U - July 25th
12U - July 25th
10U - July 25th
8U - July 25th
Applications received after the July 25th will be
considered if there are funds remaining.
FA Committee Meeting Dates
Jun 15th
Jun 30th
July 15th
July 30th
About the Financial Assistance Program
Each year the Arvada Hockey Association is proud to help many of our players and their families, financially, through our Financial Assistance program developed over 20 years ago by our Hockey Director, John "Kibby" McKibbon. Realizing that families sometimes go through hardships, Kibby created a fundraising program for the Arvada Hockey Association and turned that program into a financial assistance program for players and families.
Since that time, the Arvada Hockey Association has granted hundreds of financial assistance awards, allowing many kids to stay on the ice and enjoy this great sport. Families who are in need of assistance this year, are asked to follow the financial assistance guidelines and submit their paperwork to our Financial Assistance Committee.
Program Details
Arvada Hockey operates as non-profit and finds success through the development of youth athletes and the support of the local community. Arvada Hockey has several ways to show our support, but few have been as successful as the Financial Assistance fund. This fund was developed to allow for children to continue their participation inside Arvada Hockey even when their family is confronted with unforeseen economic hardship. We feel youth sport programs are essential to building strong successful kids and this is just one example how we work to extend this opportunity to all.
Eligibility - The Financial Assistance program is a needs based program. Families are asked to provide a brief explanation of their situation and financial needs. The Financial Assistance Committee will evaluates each application and make an award determination.
Confidentiality - We understand that economic hardship is a private matter. The Financial Assistance committee has been assembled by the Board of Directors to review applications. Information submitted in your Financial Assistance applications is kept confidential and will not be shared beyond our Financial Assistance Committee, the Treasurer and the Registrar. Your child’s team members and staff will not have access to your financial information or even know of the assistance.
Organizational success - As a non-profit we rely on volunteers to make our organization a success. For applicants that are awarded financial assistance there is an increased expectation of volunteering to support the various Arvada Hockey events.
Flexibility - Arvada Hockey is proud to have supported families in the past that have had to deal with economic hardship, children with illnesses, injury, and premature death. If you believe your family would benefit from the support of Arvada Hockey, please do not hesitate to reach out the Financial Assistance program and/or the Board of Directors. We are here to serve the community and make hockey as accessible to as many as possible.
Additional Program Details
Financial Assistance is given to families so that their player(s) may play hockey as part of the Arvada Hockey Association
By accepting Financial Assistance from Arvada Hockey for the 2024 - 2025 season, I am agreeing to register all players listed in my family's application and commit to have them play for Arvada Hockey in the 2024 - 2025 season.
Families that have received Financial Assistance will not be given a Release from Arvada Hockey per the terms of the Arvada Hockey Registration Agreement.
Financial Assistance is evaluated and awarded on a per family/household basis
When filling out your Financial Assistance application, please include all players in your family/household that will play for Arvada Hockey in the coming season.
Financial Assistance awards apply to all players listed on your application.
Arvada Hockey does not do custom payment plans
Arvada Hockey does not feel that it is fair to our volunteer staff to ask them to take on the extra work of managing and tracking custom payment plans.
The Arvada Hockey season registration deposit and the supplemental Travel/Option fees both include payment plans as a standard option for all families.
If your family feels that, due to financial constraints, they can not make payments according to the standard payment plan, please submit a Financial Assistance request for the amount of assistance needed to be able to make those payments.
AHA Financial Assistance ByLaws
The Financial Assistance Committee shall consist of one (1) AHA Board member, who shall chair the Committee; two (2) additional AHA Board members; and two (2) AHA members who are not members of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Committee shall be to:
i. The Committee Chair will collect and present, with the inclusion of the President and Hockey Director as required, the applicants to the Committee.
ii. To establish eligibility and financial criteria for distributing the Financial Assistance funds as awarded to the applicants.
iii. Distribute monies from the Financial Assistance fund not to exceed 80 percent of the amount raised and deposited to the Financial Assistance fund from the previous fiscal year or as amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
iv. The Arvada Hockey Association is committed to providing financial assistance to families with a demonstrated financial hardship. The AHA Financial Assistance program may not provide additional financial assistance to player(s) that are already receiving financial assistance from another entity.
v. Any first year player(s) to AHA will only be eligible for up to 50% maximum discount on their registration through the AHA Financial Assistance program.